Table for Two

Many years ago I lived in the most beautiful little cottage on the same street as Disneyland in California. This is the home in which I raised my children and have some of my happiest memories. This home had a tiny front porch that I showered loved upon. On this porch, amidst the overflowing flora, was a small bistro set where I invited my most cherished friends to break bread with me.

It was here that I shared many long hours of conversation, dreams, heartaches and joys and it is that time in my life which inspires this section of this website.

Today, I invite you to have lunch with me on my porch and share our wisdom, love and encouragement for one another.

There is no such thing as "too late"

I have absolute faith that it is not too late to accomplish all the dreams god has placed in my heart.

There are times I worry about this.

I fear I have wasted the best parts of my life.

As the body gets older and you start getting reminded that you are no longer twenty anything, it can play tricks on the mind as well, but god accounts for everything.

I've had several conversations with my guides about timing and they often say to me, "Do you think we didn't know how long it would take to get you here? That's why we started this when we did!"

God knows the timing. We need only focus on the dream.

We have not missed any opportunities.

We have not wasted a single day.

All things come together for the good of god in his timing.

He is like the wild river and all we need to do is jump in and enjoy the ride!

It is never too late to accomplish something.

If it's in your heart...

If it speaks to you in that way you know it's your destiny...

Then don't worry about your age, your physical limitations, your connections... just jump in and start chasing that dream today!

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