Table for Two

Many years ago I lived in the most beautiful little cottage on the same street as Disneyland in California. This is the home in which I raised my children and have some of my happiest memories. This home had a tiny front porch that I showered loved upon. On this porch, amidst the overflowing flora, was a small bistro set where I invited my most cherished friends to break bread with me.

It was here that I shared many long hours of conversation, dreams, heartaches and joys and it is that time in my life which inspires this section of this website.

Today, I invite you to have lunch with me on my porch and share our wisdom, love and encouragement for one another.

Living Excellence

We live in a culture today that seems to want to do as little as possible to just get by.

If no one is looking, what difference does it make?

No one else here puts in a full day or much effort. Why should I?

I don't have enough storage to really keep my home tidy.

I weight too much to have a nice wardrobe.

People seem to have forgotten what it means to live a life of excellence, to put your best foot forward, to do your best work, no matter the outcome. Integrity has become a lost quality and I think that is tragic.

People, remember that you are the social conscience, you are the difference, what you do, how you speak, it matters.

I live in a 400 square foot studio apartment with two small dogs and two large grown kids. It's not ideal, but we not only make it work, we are happy here. I never hear either of my kids complain about the lack of space, having to share ONE television, or grumble about why we don't have more.

I make this place home every day. We take care of it. I fill it with fresh flowers and plants, soft blankets, sheer curtains. I cook healthy meals and we sit at a table and share those meals together.

I'm not telling you all this to brag, but I know many others in my position, my neighbors, who only complain about what they lack. They find no happiness in their home, or life situation and they are filled with stress and anger.

I love my home and am grateful for it. I maintain it like it were the most expensive home, in the most exclusive neighborhood you could buy. I believe in excellence. In my work, in my home, in my relationships.

Today I would challenge you to find an area in your life where you are maybe slacking off, waiting for something better to come along. Whether it's a home, a car, a job, a new wardrobe... whatever it is, find it, change your attitude about it, and see how the universe rises up to meet you where you are.

If you want a different life, you have to make different choices, now, not when things get better or easier.

Start today. Live a life of excellence no matter how much or how little you have. I promise you, it'll change your life!

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