Table for Two

Many years ago I lived in the most beautiful little cottage on the same street as Disneyland in California. This is the home in which I raised my children and have some of my happiest memories. This home had a tiny front porch that I showered loved upon. On this porch, amidst the overflowing flora, was a small bistro set where I invited my most cherished friends to break bread with me.

It was here that I shared many long hours of conversation, dreams, heartaches and joys and it is that time in my life which inspires this section of this website.

Today, I invite you to have lunch with me on my porch and share our wisdom, love and encouragement for one another.

Dream Goggles

Having a dream, recognizing that tug of your heart and soul to do, or achieve, something, no matter how hard or silly it may seem, that's the purpose to life.

Having a dream gives you a reason to wake up in the morning, a reason to keep going when you've had your ass handed you royally.

Having a dream is the single best tip I could give anyone for living a blessed life, because in chasing those dreams, amazing things happen, but here's the trick... you have to have dream goggles to go along with the dream.

You have to develop the ability to see things in the supernatural. You have to be able to see things beyond this realm. Because there will be numerous times where it looks as though all hope is lost, but that just means the universe is about to sweep in and do something miraculous, but you have to believe it. You have to see with your dream goggles that everything is still on track, no matter how it may look to anyone else. You have to know.

There is something out there bigger than us and that spirit loves and challenges us, blesses, protects and guides us if we let it. Align yourself properly with that energy and teach yourself only to see what's real, not the illusions of this world.

You will get there, trust yourself, trust your god, and trust the journey.

Blessings ~ Samantha

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