Table for Two

Many years ago I lived in the most beautiful little cottage on the same street as Disneyland in California. This is the home in which I raised my children and have some of my happiest memories. This home had a tiny front porch that I showered loved upon. On this porch, amidst the overflowing flora, was a small bistro set where I invited my most cherished friends to break bread with me.

It was here that I shared many long hours of conversation, dreams, heartaches and joys and it is that time in my life which inspires this section of this website.

Today, I invite you to have lunch with me on my porch and share our wisdom, love and encouragement for one another.

Your Destiny Awaits

There is a supreme moment of destiny in your life and that is what all of us are moving towards. The moment where it all comes together and you know, This, is what I was created for.

Here's the thing though, you don't have to worry about what it is, or where it is, you are programmed to find it. You are already on the path. God has the people and experiences you need already lined up.

There is never a moment in your life when God looks up and says, "Wait, how did she/he get over there? Good grief, what are you doing?" It's never a surprise and what's more, there's already a plan in place.

The key to everything in life is learning to listen.

Not to your parents, your spouse or boss, not even to this idea of "god", but to yourself.

You are an amazing creation and when you train yourself to get quiet and listen to yourself, when you make a commitment to respect your instincts, you will know the next step you are to take. Every time, you have the answer in you. You don't have to have the big picture, you don't have to know the destination, all you really need to know is the next step and be brave enough to act on it.

I'm very blessed to have my youngest son who, no matter what the question, will always ask me, "What does your gut say?" He's helped me not only recognize that push from deep inside, but slowly, through little risks, I've learned to follow it, and you know what?

When I do this, it always works out.

So today is a day for blessing, but today is a day for you to reconnect with your deeper self and start listening. It's time to turn on your internal GPS and get going! Your destiny awaits and it will be more spectacular than you can even fathom now. 

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